EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1933 SILVERTON HOST FOR CONVENTION OF REBEKAHS DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS HELD BY LODGE GROUP Silverton- The 25th annual bekah convention of district No. was held here Tuesday afternoon and evening with Tryphena Rebekah lodge No. 38 as host and Mrs. Maybelle Gay, P.N.G. of Silverton chairman of the convention.
Elsie Simeral of Salem was secretary. Mabel Walker of Turner chosen chairman of the district, Elsie Townsend of Salem vice-chair. man and Elsie Simeral re-elected secretary, a position which she held for 18 years. Officers serving Tuesday at session were Maybelle Gay, chairman; Mabel Walker, Turner, vicechairman; Elsie Simeral, secretary; Josephine Balweber, Monitor, warHelen Welsner, Gervais, conductor; Zella Smith, Scotts Mills, chaplain; Alma Henderson, Salem, L.S. chairman; Mabel Gabriel, Canby, R.
S. vice-chairman; Rose Damm, Aurora, L.S. vice chairman; Laura Livesay, Woodburn, I.G.; Grace Carter, Butteville, O.G.; ith Painter, Hubbard, musician; Helen Mulkey Ora Larson, pages. Lunch was served at the Rebekah hall to the delegates. Miss Emma Adamson was chairman of the luncheon committee, assisted Mrs.
Maude Myers, Mrs. Emma Tegland, Mrs. Alice Egan, Mrs. Eda Riches and Mrs. Kate Porter, the kitchen, and as a table committee, Pearl Allen, Sylvia Allen, Ora Larson, Helen Mulkey, Ruth Lorenzen, Pearl Davenport and Martha Winchell.
Decorations in the hall and at the Eugene Fleld school auditorium were supervised by Mrs. Bertha Morley, and consisted of high baskets ferns and puss* willows, banks fir and potted plants with pink blossoms and hangings of pink and green, suggestive of the colors of the order. The afternoon session was opened at 1:30 o'clock with more than 200 members present. Mrs. Clarence Reed of Tryphena lodge WAS charge of the opening in the Rebekah degree.
The warden and instructor presented the flag of the country and were in charge of the remainder of opening ceremony. All officers of the home lodge were present. The seating of the convention officers was by Thalla No. 191. After the introduction of the officers of the Rebekah assembly, the grand lodge officers were introduced by Mrs.
Mary Skaife. Mrs. Mary Sylvester gave the address of welcome, with a response by a representative of Frances lodge No. 242. The chair.
man, Maybelle Gay, appointed members for committees on press, memorial, thanks and resolutions. A vocal number, "'Will O' the Wisp," by Spross, sung by Mrs. F. J. Roubal with Pearl Davenport at the piano was followed by reports from Salem No.
1, Thalia of Hubbard, Frances of Monitor, Home of WoodIdeal of Turner, Kirk of Canby, Ivy of Scotts Mills, Harmony of Gervais, St. Alexus of Butteville and Tryphena of Silverton. Aurora was reported as given up its charter last December. Ideal lodge exemplified working way into lodge. Home lodge took the chairs which were surrendered by convention officers.
Leona Krenz sang a solo. Salem was chosen as the meeting place for next year's convention. Examining a Robekah from Nebraska was exemplified by Ivy lodge Scotts Mills. Maude Rogers, president of the Rebekah a assembly, conducted a question box. The evening session was in charge Maybelle Gay, chairman, was held in the auditorium of the Eugene Field building.
A 40-minute concert was given by the Silverton school band conducted by Hal Campbell. An orchestra number was given by Harmony lodge. Miss Cathleene Cuddy sang a solo, and Salem No. 1 exemplified the Rebekah degree. Mrs.
Rogers gave the address the evening on the work of Rebekah assemblies. SPRING CAUSES MOVES Woodburn. feeling of spring in the air is causing several Woodburn families to change their place of residence. Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Shope have moved from 750 South Front street to 910 Young street; Mr. and Mrs. F.
C. Galer are moving from 448 Front street to 321 Oswald street; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Renn have moved from the Woodburn apartments over the postoffice to the Presbyterian manse on Third strete; Mr. and Mrs.
Fed Corn have moved from Hardcastle avenue to the John Hunt house at Fourth and Garfield streets. Aflome Owned Theatre TODAY AND THURSDAY TONIGHT IS DIME NIGHT All Except Seats Loges INCE IN A LIFE TIME with Jack Oakle, Sydney Fox Aline MacMahon, Russell Hopton, Louise Fazenda, Gregory Ratott, Zase Pitta, Onslow Stevens, Jobyna Howland Dance And Card Parties Success Silverton- The card and dancing party given the auspices of the Knights Pythias Pythian Sisters have been well attended, Another- of the series will be given Wednesday evening with both bridge and "500" in play, a supper, and two hours of dancing. The parties are at the K.P. hall and the public is welcome. Committee members in charge are E.
R. Ekman, Fred Mehl and Scott McPike from the Knights lodge, Mrs. Chloe Stayner, Mrs. Lillian Heald, Mrs. Wanda Anderson and Mrs.
Lavonne Bowen. GIRL RESERVE MEETING HELD Silverton-The junlor high division of the Girl Reserves met in the Eugene Field building Tuesday afternoon and enjoyed an interesting program, pretending they were taking a trip to Sumatra. Mrs. C. J.
Hall who has served for a number of years as a missionary in Sumatra, told the girls at last week's meet. ing of what clothing, passport and visa preparations would be needed the trip, and other necessities for the journey. At Tuesday's meeting, each girl was admitted to the room upon presentation of her passport, which was a verbatum copy of a real passport that was issued by Robert Goetz who acted as the secretary of state. They must have their visas, because they wished to stop at the British Isles. Miss Stella Dybevik acted as British prepared the visas in true order." The program was a lecture given by Rev.
Hall, illustrating his talk with colored slides of scenes that would be a part of their daily encounters in the island of Sumatra. Next week's meeting will be held in Mr. Crabtree's class room, and Rev. Hall will continue the talk on Sumatra. The passports will be returned to the girls at the close of the of lectures to be pasted in hobby books which is one peries, of their projects.
In two weeks both the junior and senior divisions of Reserves will give a social tea with their mothers as special guests. Attending as advisors Tuesday were Mrs. Lee Alfred, general advisor, Miss Catheleene Cuddy and Miss Ruth Lawrence as special advisors, Visitors were Misses Ruth Scott and Dorothy Gelsler. The group meets after school hours. MT.
ANGEL COUNCIL MEETING QUIET ONE Mt. Angel--The monthy meeting fo the city council was held Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the city hall with Mayor Webb and Councilmen Young, Smith, Hassing, Bochsler, Prosser, Wellman and Schwab present. A communication from F. A. Meyer and Attorney Ross regarding the foreclosure of the assessments on Meyer's lots were read.
The mayor turned this matter over to the finance committee with power to act. In a communication from Libby, McNell Libby regarding the inch water meter, it was stated that the city writers $10.75 for were their willing eulty pay the meter, if it was properly repaired. It was ordered that the recorder arrive at a settlement with this company regarding the meter. The meeting adjourned after all the bills of the month were read and upon the approval of the finance committee were ordered to be paid. Class Has Party suMonmouth The school Bible girls of class the of Christian church was complimented with a tamalle supper at the home of their teacher, Miss Pauline Riley for the week-end.
Girls entertained included: Margery Chambers, Virginia Craven, Helen Hutchinson, Frankie Lane and Clara Mae Haller. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER Hazel Green-Mrs. Miller, principal of the grammar school, has been absent from her teaching duties due to the critical illness of her young son Billy, who is suffering with a severe. case of pneumonia with complications. Substituting for Mrs.
Miller is Mrs. Arvilla Boyer of Salem. HUBBARD KEEPS OLD TEACHERS Hubbard -At the school board meeting Monday evening the election of teachers took place. Mrs. Lorena Duncan was re-elected as teacher for the first and second grades.
Mrs. Duncan has been nine years with the Hubbard school. Miss Frances Friend was re-elected for the third and fourth grades. This will be her second year here. Mrs.
Lottie Fry was re-elected to teach the fifth and sixth grades. Mrs. Fry taught in the local school for five or six years and before coming here taught at the White school one mile north. seventh and eighth grade teacher was not selected. Kenneth Dart, the present teacher, is planning to attend school in Seattle next year and a number of applications for the position are under consideration.
In the high school Mrs. Nellie Cornell was re-elected as commerclal teacher. Mrs. Cornell has been. with the Hubbard school for a number of years.
Mrs. Adeline Fields, English and French teacher, resigned and her place will be taken by Miss Wanda V. Elliott, now teaching at Condon. Eugene Silke, superintendent, was re-elected at the January school board meeting. R.
C. Painter was reelected superintendent of buildings and grounds. RECITAL IS GIVEN AT SUBLIMITY HALL Sublimity--A recital was given by the pupils of Sister Mercedes, teacher of music in the parochial schools at Stayton and Sublimity, Sunday evening at the Forester Hall in Sublimity. A musical playlet, "Little Tiptoe" given, with the characters AS follows: Dame Marguerite, Thelma Zuber; Little Tiptoe, her niece, Lillian Spaniol; Prevot of Puy-dedome, Lois Pounds; Angellque, playmate of Little Tiptoe, Stella Lulay; Bettine, servant of Dame Marguerite, Anna Lulay; Fairy Queen, Rita Frank: attendant fairies, Rosella Bell, Betty Korinek, Lila Mae Bell Smith. another numbers on the program were: "Down the River of Golden Dreams," orchestra; "Royal TrumMarch," duet, Betty Korinek and Rosella Bell; "Jolly Waters," song, Charles Guhlen, Harry Melers, Breltenstein, Joseph Gerspacher and Eugene Hueberger; "Jack in the Charles Gehlen; "The Dream Waltz," duet, Charles Gehlen and Theresa Wolf; "Alt Wien," Agnes Bietel: "Butterfly," Iosella Bell; "I'm Happy If You're Happy," orchestra; "Spooks," Lela Mae Bell.
Kosinek; "Star of trio, Lela Scene two "Second Betty Mae Bell, Kosinek and sella Bell; "Russian Theresa Notion "Blue Grandma Hawaii," Danced the orchestra; Minuet," recitation, Betty Kosinek, accompanied by Lela Bell; duet, Theresa Wolf and Agnes Britel; "Song of Lois Pounds; "Alice Blue Rosella "Don't Sing Aloha When I orchestra; and "Hours of Dreaming," song by all. March Missionary Meeting Scheduled Hazel Green-The March meeting of the Woman's Missionary association will be held at the home of Mrs. Pearl Van Cleave in Middie Grove, Thursday. Mrs. Will Davis will be leader of the program and Mrs.
Clark Smith will conduct the devotional service. This will be the annual election of officers and final report of the reading contest by the captains, Mrs. Joseph Cook and Mrs. Louis Wampler. The Lella Luckey chapter of the Otterbein Guild will hold their March meeting Sunday, March 12 at the Walter Rutherford home with Nora and Edna Rutherford as hostesses.
Miss Ellen Smith will preside as program leader. Club Hour Changed Rickey--Annual election of officers will be held Friday night at the regular meeting of the community club. What promises to be an exceptionally good program will be put on by the entertainers from the Doolittle service station in Salem. The public is invited. Accident Interrupts Stortz of Brownsville met with a serious accident as he was on his way to Silverton to attend the funeral services of his father, Philip Stortz.
His car was crowded into a bridge curbing on the highway between Albany and Jefferson, causing much damage to the car, and injuring Stortz by a wound on the head and severe bruises about and body. No bones were broken. He was able to return to his home Monday in company with his brother Ed of Salem. BROOKS PEOPLE PRESENT PLAY Brooks- -The young people of the community are sponsoring a oneact play entitled "Friday afternoon at a Village School," which will be given Friday night at the Brooks school house, following the regular business session of the Brooks Parent Teacher association. Mrs.
Clifford Bishop is coaching the play. The cast of characters is as follows: Professor, Bob Bishop; Katie, Thelma Reed; Laura, Edna Lesher; Julia, Gretchen Hogate; John, Albert Harris; George, James Riggi; Charles, Manual Hogate; Dick, Billy Bishop; Walter, Bill Coffindaffer; Georgiana, Hazel Nys; Sarah, Bernadine Wheeler; Forest, Frank Riggi; Jack Willie Wright; Marla, Donna Bishop; Jimmy, Leo Reed; Clara, Ina Lesher; Bud, CHifford Bishop; LeMoyne, Richard Hess; visitors, Laverne Catton, as Mrs. Quisenberry, and Elizabeth Clark as Mrs. Applegate, and their young daughters. Doris Clinton and Beverly McCoy, and Rose, Peggy Tontz, and Clifford Bishop as messenger.
There will be musical numbers, guitar and piano and tap dancing by little Doris Clinton, age 4 years. PROMOTIONS MADE IN NATIONAL GUARD Dallas--As the result of examinations held Monday night Eldon Vaughn has been promoted to the rank of sergeant and John E. Blodgett to that of corporal in company 'L' of the O. N. G.
Both men were given a high rating in the examinations which brought out a high standard of excellence from all aspirants. Three new recruits were obtained during the past week and are now attached to the company. They are Wilfred F. Hinamon, Robert F. Hobson and Merle E.
White. Captain Jack Eakin states that the permanent organization of squads is now under way in preparation for the annual camp at Clatsop. Preliminary Show Is Staged By Cast Slick of Pumpkin Creek," a three act rural comedy presented at the state training school Tuesday evening. Characters in the play were Ben Miller, Ed Erickson, Tom Higginbothom, Orva Barrett, Marie de Lespinasse, Frances Leffler and Beatrice Claypool. The group was directed by Mrs.
Marie Claypool. Music the acts was orchestra by members under between community direction of Dr. A. F. de Lespinasse.
Clinic Is Staged school districts. GRADE IS INCREASED Hazel Green- -George Kalb of Hubbard--A toxoid and preschool noon at the Pythias clinic was held Wednesday, afterbuilding with Dr. F. Burge as examiner and Miss Nova Lyndes AS nurse. Local folk assisting were Mrs.
Waldo Brown, Mrs. George Knight and Mrs. George Grimps. The health work in Hubbard is under the auspices of the Woman's club. The Hubbard district includes the Broadacres, White and Hubbard Oregon City grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Stevens has registered at the school as a pupil in the seventh grade. He is well known in this community as he has spent several summers here as guest of his grandparents. His mother will be remembered as May Stevens who also lived here years ago. He will make his home with his uncle, Ralph Stevens.
HELD OVER the end of the week. Saturday is positively the last day JANET GAYNOR "STATE WILL SALLY ROGERS EILERS LEW AYRES FAIR" Louise Norman Victor Frank Jory Foster Craven Dresser Breaking all attendance records MATINEES of the last 20 years IT'S AT THE EVENINGS GRANDE SALARY CUTS FOR TEACHERS Dallas--The hiring of teachers for the year 1933-34 has begun in the county according to information available in the school superintendent's While re reported to only date three the districts subject is have moot one all over the county and decreases in the salaries paid during the past year are likely to have a considerable bearing on the rehiring of teachers. In district No. 17, Bethel, the teachers in the upper and lower grades have been re-elected with a salary deduction of 25 per cent. No action has been taken to date in regard to the high school department in this district pending further decision by the board on the matter.
Dolores L. Kahle has charge of the upper grades and Guida McMullen the lower. At Cochrane, distret No. 24, Mrs. Edna Bool has been hired, replacing Mrs.
Florence Chapman, while at Polk Station, district No. 18, Mrs. Fannie Domaschofsky, will continue her work there for another year. UPPER CLASSMEN AT ANNUAL PARTY Turner--The annual junior and senior class party was held in the high school gymnasium with memberg of the faculty and students in attendance. The evening was spent in games with refreshments served at a late hour to Principal and Mrs.
John R. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Thurlo W. Smith, Marjory Pickard, Jean Snyder, Eugene Mellis, Robert Mitchell, Leone Cook, Homer Mitch.
ell, Ed Schmidt, Audry Shoen, Harold Fowler, Rachel Garner, Emma Denyer and Alvin Garner. Committees functioning for the party were refreshments, Leonard Shoen, Emma Denyer and Eugene Mellis; entertainment, Robert Mitchell, Mabel Beardsley and Jean Snyder. Marjorie Pickard is president of the junior class, Eugene Mellis, vice president; secretary, Mabel Beardsley; councilman, Emma Denyer, and class advisor, Miss Harriet Fredrickson. Language Program Given At Sublimity Sublimity--A language program was given at the public school. The committee in charge included: eighth grade, Laura Tate; seventh grade, Dottie Lahr; sixth grade, Mabel Jones; fifth grade, Bernard Schmid, who' acted as chairman of the program.
The grammar program, given in place of the usual 4-H club meeting, was as follows: "Oregon, My Oregon," audience; report on "Bluebirds," Betrnice Ruettgers; poen, Velma Yeoman; report on "Whales," Leonard Neal; report on "Waterlilies," Camilla Lulay; report on "Kingfishes," Lulay; poem, Loretta Ditter; Loretta Etzel; report on "Lady Slippers," Delores Bentz; story, Lillian Glover; report on "Canada," Elige Jones; poem, Jean Galop; report on "Baltimore Oriole," Vera Palmer, and a song, by Dorothy Tate. Class Has Party Silverton-Just Folks class of the Methodist Episcopal church held a party Monday evening in the social rooms of the church, with Rev. and Mrs. C. J.
Hall as chaperones. Jigsaw puzzles were the order of diversion of the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ferrns, Ruby Schank, Lucille Skaife, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Louis Otjjen, Dwight Foote, Grace Folsom, Cathleene Cuddy and Kathryne Morri- son. MRS.
SCHOLL HOSTESS Hubbard Mrs. Anna Scholl was hostess to group of young folk Saturday evening with "500" in play in honor of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Archer of Walla Walla, Wash. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Archer, Miss Mary Will of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert O'Leary, Miss Lenore Scholl, Ed Moshberger, Miss Orva Barrett, Miss Elvira Scholl and John Scholl, Combined Meetings Planned By Clubs Hazel Green-The meeting of the two 4-H cooking clubs was postponed last week due touthe illness of the club leader, Louls Wampler. The "Home Meals" club will hold a joint business meeting with the "Jolly Nine" club Thursday at 12:30 o'clock at the school. On March 16 a combined business and social meeting will be held with Ralph Smith as chairman of the program and Melvin Lehman chairman of the social session. WORTHINGTONS ARE HOSTS FOR DANCING College -Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Worthington were hosts at a dancing party given at the Schindler place Saturday evening. Frank Blaski of Pringle furnished the music with his piano-accordion. The group attending were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olson and Francis and Irene Olson, Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Worthington and children, Elaine, June, Jessie, Paul, and Dale, M. C. Parks, Eldon Olson, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Rivet and daughter son, Hazel and Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Himmel, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Singer, John Charge, Mr.
and Mrs. John Church, Mrs. William Calder, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Bayer, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Olson and son, Junior, Jack Olson, Clarence Woelk, Mr. and Mrs. John Schindler, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Smith, Claude Smith, Mrs. Louise Singer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Singer, Harvey Olson, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Johnson and daughters, Lucy, Pauline, and Jaunita, Marian Cupples, M. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Taylor and son, Orel, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Stephens and sons, Emmet and Raymond, Miss Kathleen Beardsley, Joe Himmel, Rosie Krall, Antonia Krall, Lucy May Peterson, Charles Simons, and W. E. Cox and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Worthington, FEDERATED WOMEN PLAN SILVER TEA Wodburn-The regular business meeting of the Federated Women of the Methodist Episcopal church was held Tuesday afternoon at the church.
Plans were perfected for a silver tea, which will be held in the church parlors Tuesday, March 28. Committees appointed by the president, Mrs. Paul Pemberton, were: general chairman, Mrs. W. D.
Simmons; program, Mrs. Pemberton and Mrs. V. D. Bain; decorating, Mrs.
B. O. Brown, Miss Ina Bonney and Mrs. Oscar Allen; kitchen, Mrs. Ida Parr, Mrs.
James Livesley and Mrs. E. N. Hall. Guests will be received by Mrs.
Glenn S. Hartong, Mrs. Ivan C. Beers and Mrs. Perle L.
Love; Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. F.
W. Settlemier, Mrs. Florence Goulet and Mrs. rie Young will preside at the tea urns, and Beatrice Brown, Pearl Zulsdorf and Miss Swisler will serve. Smoldering Ashes Cause For Alarm Woodburn -A box of ashes, parked at the corner of the Wayne Gill residence Monday, caused a blaze which routed the Woodburn fire department of at 3 a.m.
Tuesday, The ashes, smouldering through the day and part of the night, broke out in flames which ignited the building and filled house with smoke, awakening the family, The outside corner of the house was slightly damaged. PATIENTS IMPROVING Hazel Green -Leonard Faist who underwent a minor operation on his arm recently and who 18 wearing a cast on the entire arm will be compelled to wear the cast several weeks instead of a few days as anticipated. Patricia Haynes is recovering from a belated attack of the measles and Caroline Haynes 1s recuperating following a severe siege of ear trouble which necessitated lancing of both ears. Clinton Wampler, who chopped off part of his thumb recently is now able to resume his studles at the school. WARNER BROS.
CAPITOL Today Thursday Friday She's Out For What She Can Get And she doesn't mind how she CHESTER gets itt She plays the game by men's rules but she plays it with MORRIS woman's weapons. BLONDELL Blondie Johnson Also Comedy News Snag Shota On the Stage "Mystic Calvin" MIDDLE GROVE WILL BE HOST FOR INSTITUTE Hazel Green--The Sarah Oliver union of the W. C. T. U.
met for an all day session recently at the United Brethren church with representatives from Keizer, Middle Grove and Labish Center. Mrs. Margery Looney, president of the union, presided as leader of the meeting. Miss Naomi Van Cleave conducted the devotional services and Miss Phyllis Koing led the song service. Mrs.
Necia Buck of Salem and national W. C. T. U. worker listed the points stressed for a working union.
Marion county has had the highest number of points for two years. Mrs. Buck also urged cooperation in supplying needs of the children's farm home in Corvallis where 162 children are being cared for with facilities for only 140. Mrs. Fred Tooze, state director of young people's work stressed the need of enlisting the children in the W.
C. T. U. work. Mrs.
Lydia Lehmon of Salem also gave a short helpful talk of the work to be accomplished. The annual meeting of the union is scheduled for March 14 in Middle Grove at the Evangelical church. Annual election of officers will be held and plans perfected for a silver medal contest to be held in the near future. MEMORIAL RITUAL IS HELD BY LODGE Monmouth A short memorial service which included the draping of the charter in memory of Mrs. Guy Hewitt and Mrs.
I. C. Powell, recently deceased, was observed at the regular meeting of Agate Rebekah lodge. Musical program numbers and a birthday party for those who observe the anniversary of their birth in March were enjoyed at the close of routine matters. Mrs.
Charles Calbreath contributed an accordian solo to the program, Orest Houghlon sang and his accompanist Norman Reynolds concluded with two piano selections. Among the gifts presented "Miss Maggie Butler, one of the honored guests who is a member of long standing, was a festive cake decorated with 16 candles, which was cut and passed to the company. Brooks--The Past Noble Grads club sponsored a farewell party Saturday night at the home of Mrs. William Alsup. The honor guest Mrs.
Alta Foren was presented with a gift by the club. Mr. and Mrs. Foren are moving to Sweet Home where they will make their home. Those present were: Mrs.
A. L. Collins, Mrs. Joe Fitts, Emil Cramer, Mrs. Edwin Harper, Mrs.
C. Sawyer, Mrs. Ida Schwab, Mrs. Frances Morgan, Mrs. Lillian Shaner, Mrs.
Minnie McDonald, Mrs. S. A. Harris, Mrs. William Alsup, Betty Beck and friend Charlot, Miss Lavinne Harris, Mrs.
Kenneth Coomler, Mrs. Alta Foren and daughters Edith, Fay and Eva Foren, and Miss Lois Coomler and Mrs. Wendel Barnett. Past Noble Grands Sponsor Farewell RETURN TO LONGVIEW Silverton-Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Hollingsworth and small son, John Edward, and Mrs. Hollingsworth's sister, Miss Alma Olsen, their house guest from Williston, are returning to Longview, Tuesday evening from a three-day stay at their Silverton home. Hollingsworth was recently transferred to Longview with the Standard Oil company and plans to be again in Silverton in April.
They maintain their home here. Virgil Tschantz Is Party Honor Guest Silverton Mr. and Mrs. John Tschantz gave a double surprise atfair for their son Virgil, Monday evening, the occasion being in honor of his birthday anniversary. A 7 o'- clock dinner was served with the following guests: Zina Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. DuVal, Agnes and Norris DuVal and Roy Keller. A group came later to spend the evening socially with a late supper served by Mrs.
Tschantz. They were Frances Barstoff, Bertha Beugll, Fern and Ruth Alexander, Eupha Mires, Clifton and Victor Hadley, Clifford Maulding, Elvin Mires, Carl King, Lyle Keller and Al Stark. The young people were former schoolmates of Virgil Tschantz. DALLAS DELEGATION GUEST GRANGE HOUR Brush College--An unusually large crowd was present for the last meeting of the local grange when 20 members of the Dallas grange were present as special guests and assisted with the program. At 6:30 o'clock supper preceding the program seating room was not avail.
able at one time for all present. The program opened with a song, "My Wild Irish Rose," by all; 8 trio number by the sixth grade of West Salem; recitation by Dorothy Lane; a thirty minute address on the international situation by Col. Charles Robertson of West Salem; three numbers by the sixth grade quartette composed of Dorothy Lane, Georgia Cook, Opal Thurman and Gerald Brown, accompanied by Paula Grant; reading by Mrs. H. A.
Peterson of Dallas; accordion solos by Gerald Ollsson of Dallas and a resume of fishing streams of Polk county by Dr. H. A. Peterson. Following the program the regular business meeting of the grange was held.
Snow Is Measured By Yards At Summit Hubbard-Mrs. W. S. McMannis and small daughter, Tresa, have returned from a visit with McMannis at Cascade Summit. They found the snow 12 feet deep on the level there with tunnels dug from the station to the houses.
Residents reported the snow had been 36 feet deep during the winter. McMannis was transferred from the Hubbard when it was closed to his present location. Mrs. McMannis and Tresa expect to make their home there after school closes here. Quinaby-Mrs.
Lavette Cyr has returned to her home in Missoula, Bont. Mrs. Cyr has been with her father, Mr. Barnick for a few weeks. Superficial BURNS Cooling, soothing Mentholatum relieves the pain.
Promotes quicker healing. MENTHOLATUM FIGHT COLDS 2 WAYS Mistol FOR NOSE AND THROAT Essence of Mistol ON HANDKERCHIEF AND PILLOW SPECIAL, Complete Sound Pictures of Roosevelt Inauguration WARNER BROS. ELSINORE Held Over For Today Only! Hurry! Don't Miss It! CECIL B. DE MILLE'S The SIGN OF THE CROSS No Advance in Prices TOMORROW FRIDAY SATURDAY A flaming drama of fear hate and love. Mighty picture from the famous novel! (Barbara STANWYCK BITTER TEA OF GENERAL YEN NILS -AST A ALIER CONNOLLY Mat.
25c Eve. Inee 500 Seats 25c.