The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

he he a a Willamette Valley News By Special Correspondents Tuesday, December 21, 1937 Exclusive News Dispatches Greater Santiam Legion Post Plays Host At Conference Lebanon--The district convention of the American Legion, sponsored here Saturday by the Santiam post and the auxillary, drew high praise from the many department officers who attended. Although A attendance was less than expected, it was greater than at the usual district convention, and as a whole the event was most satisfactory, the officers said. Among prominent Legionnaires attending were Department Commander Mose Palmateer, Past Department Commander Joe Chamberlin, Dr. Paul Carter of the Veterans' bureau at Portland, Jerry Owen, editor of the Oregon Legionnaire, Department Service Officer Jude Moreland, June Valent and May Waters, department president of the Auxiliary. The convention got under way at 2:30 o'clock with individual meetings of the posts and auxildaries in the Legion hall.

At 6:30. a turkey banquet was served in the Lebanon hotel, an event attended by approximately 150 Legionnaires, their wives and friends. The group was given a welcome by Mayor Joel C. Booth, and local talent contributed a program of entertainment. Following the banquet, the two units held joint meeting in the Legion hall.

This was open to the public. Legion Offers Dinner Lebanon- Lebanon Legionnaires, just recovering from long efforts in preparation for the district convention here last Saturday, are busy again, this time making ready for entertaining the Auxiliary at a dinner in the Legion hall tonight. A short meeting is scheduled sometime during the evening, according to Geary Ellenberg, adjutant. Townsendites to Elect Lebanon- Nominations for officers for the coming term will be the feature of the next meeting of the Townsend club the evening of December 28, according to the report of officials. Another feature will be the door prizes for men and women.

Mrs. E. E. Regester will be the delegate to the convention to be held in Corvallis January 9, and members are being urged to attend whether they are official delegates or not. J.

E. Estep is the alternate. Christmas Luncheon Held Lebanon--One of the very delightful social events of the past week was the guest day Christmas lunchcon of the Present Day club that was held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Garland. Covers were laid for 24.

During the afternoon gifts were distributed from a lighted tree and later a contest, at which Mrs. N. M. Newport won a prize, was offered for diversion. The guest list included Mesdames N.

C. Lowe, Dennis Cormier, N. M. Newport, E. L.

Clark, E. H. Bohle, Melvin Coe, Mary Rudd, George Britton, C. C. Whitcher; Ernest Caldwell, Clara Cheadle and W.

G. Amos. Holiday Services Held Lebanon--Special Christmas exercises held at churches Sunday were very well attended and were pronounced as outstanding by those who viewed them. Musical features were predominant in the entertainment although at least one congregation took part in a pageant. Members of the Methodist choir presented a varied musical program at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and the Presbyterian choir presented similar program that night at 8 o'- the clock.

Miss Jessie Skinner directed Methodist church program while Mrs. Hugh Kirkpatrick was in charge of that at the Presbyterian church. Members of the Sunday school classes at the Baptist church presented "The Christmas Road." A pageant at an evening service. Methodist Aid Guest With Their Husbands Stayton-Members of the dist Ladies' Aid entertained their husbands Friday night at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Edgar Hamlin. Games were played during the evening followed by a late supper. Mrs. Howard George headed the committee making the ments. Those present were Mr.

Mrs. George Mr. Mrs. Howard George, and Mrs. Bob Wood, Harry Rowe, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Harold, Rev. and Mrs.

Don Huckabee, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams, Mr. and Mrs. L.

H. Wright, Mrs. Cliff Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HamJin and Mr.

and Mrs. Edgar HamJin. Feed Mill Purchased Turner--C I. Dunlap has chased the Weddle and Weddle Feed mill here, giving as part payment the Shoen farm, located near the Parrish Gap road, where the Weddies also own other property, Dunlap will take possession of the mill in January and will live in the George Crume house. Glee Club Appears Mill City- A musical entertainment wAs presented by members of the Mill City high school glee clubs under the able direction of Miss Kathryn Smullin.

Miss Smullin, accompanied by Miss Robert Schroeder, sang selected numbers. Aumsville-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and family, of Pasadena, have moved to the William Robert- Donald Triple Club Entertained Donald-Mrs. H.

E. Feller WAS hostess for a Christmas party Thursday evening for the N.N.N, club and several friends. In several contests honors were won by Mrs. Hagen, Mrs. Bushman and Mrs.

Ackerson. Gifts were exchanged by "silent friends" and names drawn for the next year. The hostess served refreshments in keeping with the Christmas season to Mesdames A. E. Feller, H.

Hagen, F. M. Gearin, J. A. Bush.

Garold Cone, W. Bushman, G. B. Ackerson, W. Bittick, F.

Reiling and Miss Amy Harding of Gervais, Mrs. Cone will be hostess to the club on January 7. Dallas Attends Xmas Programs Dallas--Christmas programs were greatly in evidence Sunday afternoon and evening and big crowds attended to hear the special mustcal numbers prepared for the occasion. At the Presbyterian church the annual vesper service was held in the afternoon under the direction of Mrs. Bruce Spaulding.

In the evening pre-Christmas services were held at the Methodist and Christian churches. The following programs were presented: Presbyterian Prelude, piano solo, Mrs. Robert Kutch: mixed chorus: high school trio, Miss Leanna Severson. Miss Viola Hiebert and Miss Mary Margaret Livesay, accompanied by Miss Susie Dick: women's chorus. soprano solo, Mrs.

Ivan E. er: mixed quartet, Mrs. Robert Kutch. Mrs. Bruce Spaulding.

Bruce Eckman and Glenn Gething: Scripture. "The Christmas Story," Rev. Walter Duff. vibra harp solo, Mrs. Walter Duff.

prano solo. Mrs. Chauncey Gettman: lin solo. Mrs. Robert Fisher: chorus, contraito solo.

Mrs. Bruce Spaulding. Christian Church Organ prelude. William Caldwell: solo. Mrs 0.

D. Harris: song, pantomime, Miss Amy Houtz: reading. Mrs. George W. Sumpter: solo.

Miss Ruth Dashiell: solo and choir. Errol Harris: solo. Mary Lou Dornhecker: tableau. manger scene, choir: reading. Mrs.

Sumpter: solo. Mrs. Georgia Dornhecker: quartet. Ruth Dashiell. Gladys Wright.

Hubert Springsteen and Errol Harris: trio, Ike Bartel, Hubert Springsteen and Errol Harris; anthem, choir: benediction: choral response: postlude. Methodist Those taking the solo parts in the gram were Miss Esther Greenwell, MISS Mildred Eastman and Mrs. Walter Ballantyne, sopranos: Mrs. Ralph Murphy, Miss Dorothea Greenwell and Miss Mary Margaret Livesay, contraltos: Milton Miller, tenor and Sol Ediger, bass. The entire chorus was composed of about 25 voices.

Mrs. Ross Chapin was accompanist. The complete program follows: Choir: bass solo by Sol Ediger and the choir: women's trio: soprano solo by Miss Esther Greenwell the choir: men's chorus and tenor solos by Milton Miller: choir, soprano solo by Mrs. Ballantyne: tenor solo, Milton Miller, and bass solo by Sol Ediger: duet, Miss Mary Margaret Livesay and Miss Mildred Eastman; alto solo. Miss Dorotha Greenwell: choir and soprano and alto duet by Miss Esther Greenwell Mrs.

Ralph Murphy: finale. choir. Holiday Recess Starting at Scio Scio Schools will recess from noon December 23 until Monday morning, January 3, for the holidays, Principal J. H. Tumbleson announces.

High school students will present a program and exchange gifts at 11 a.m., December 23, and grade students will give their program at has made from the combined "been the same day. Departure programs of former years to insure seating space for parents and interested persons at the high school auditorium at each of the grams. "Attend the program and enjoy your school" has been chosen as a slogan to promote interest in the Turner Lodge Offers Its Christmas Party Turner--The annual Christmas party of the Ideal Rebekah lodge was held with a program of music and readings, distribution of gifts and refreshments. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.

Neal Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Bert bles, Mr. and Mrs. J.

S. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. L. Roberts, Dean, Barbara and Alice, Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Titus, Alice Mr. and Mrs. Faye Webb, Bonnie and Beverly, Mrs. Martha Barnett, Stella and 1 Lorraine, Mr.

and Mrs. A. E. Robertson, Mrs. Alice Wipper, Mrs.

Susan Girardin, Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caspell, Doro thy and Dorsey, of Salem, Mrs. China Bones and Mrs. Sophia ertson.

Altar Society Meets At Gervais Hall Gervals-The December meeting of the St. Rita Altar society was held in the Parish hall with twelve members present. Before the ness meeting the members tacked a quilt which is given to charity. Refreshments were served by the three hostesses, Mrs. Leo Bauman, Mrs.

Bert Elliott and Mrs. Anna McGuire. Others present were Miss Marie Mangold, Mrs. John Messer, Mrs. Frank Prantl, Mrs.

Peter Pranti, Mrs. August Nibler, Mrs. T. Diebble, Mrs. Antone DeJardin, Mrs.

C. Cutsforth and Mrs. F. Sieger. Richard Dix.

2 Features 'IT HAPPENED IN FAY WRAY and FAST, MR MOTO Peter Lorre GRANDE Jail Sentence Given to Trio Woodburn Court Woodburn -John Doe, Richard Roe and Glen Harper Beals, arrested on complaint filed by J. S. Fisher, charging them with larceny of personal property valued at $10.20 appeared in Judge Overton's court and each of the trio entered a plea of guilty. Beals was sentenced to days in the county Jail and to pay costs of $4.20. Richard Roe, whose real name was found to be Dean Niccolson, and John Doe, whose real name is 'Harry Palleson, were also each given a sentence of 30 days in the county jail, Niccolson to pay costs of $2.90 and Palleson costs of $3.

On Saturday Harry Palleson. Dean Niccolson and Harper Beals were again arrested on information filed by Henry Werner, charging them with burglary, not in a dwelling. Two sacks clover seed, valued at $90. were said to have been taken from Werner's barn. Palleson waived preliminary hearing and was held to answer to the grand jury.

His bail was fixed at $500 which he was unable furnish and he was committed to the county jail. The other two have not yet appeared. Mildred Lula Mattison of Salem. paid a fine of $5 and costs of $3.25 for driving without an operator's license. Wilburn Frederick Taylor was arrested for driving with four persons in the driver's seat of his car.

After pleading guilty he was given a fine of $5 and costs which he was unable to pay and was committed to the county jail. Clarence Wormdahl Schuknecht of Silverton paid a fine of $5 and costs for driving with four persons in the front seat of his car. For loaning his operator's license to an unlicensed person Ronald Verle Baker paid a fine of $5 and costs. For driving without an operator's license George Burton Rex paid a fine of $5 and costs. Program Given At Hayesville -Between 300 and 400 parents and friends were on hand for the Christmas program given by the school children at the regular meeting of the community club.

President Robertson called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock. The committee on the carnival to be held in the school New Year's reported as progressing nicely. Plans are being made to have various booths, fish ponds, fortune-telling, a jitney or cafeteria refreshment booth and as a main event of the evening, Guy Ray has promised to have his acrobatic mule, "Rosey," on hand. The January meeting, to be held the third Friday of the month, will be in charge of the men. L.

Shaner will have the arranging of the program and Mr. Janzen, Mr. Grieg, Mr. Martin, Mr. Moor and Mrs.

Stettler the refreshments. The Christmas program was presented by the pupils under the direction of Mrs. Shaner, Mrs. Parkes and Mr. Kennedy.

The numbers were as follows: Rhythm band by first and second grade pupils by Mrs. Shaner; two full costume dances by twelve panese girls, arranged by Mrs. Ishidia; dialogue, third and fourth grades; skit, third grade; a stunt, fifth grade students; school orchestra; solo, Jean Doolittle; selection, harmonica group; play, "A Merry Xmas After All," upper grade students; feature drill by upper grade studente: song by entire school. Following the program a bag of candy was given each child present. School will be dismissed on December 24 for the regular holiday vacation, to be resumed again January 3.

Next Year's Rodeo Directors Chosen Mt. Angel -Ed Unger, a member of the St. Paul Rodeo association, attended a meeting of the tion Friday night at the home of Carl Smith at St. Paul when the annual election of officers was held. Bill Smith was re-elected president: Ray Manegre, re-elected vice president, and Carl Smith, elected secretary -treasurer.

The other five members form the board of directors. All the members were present at the meeting and arrangements are being started to make the next rodeo, which will be held in July, bigger and better than Liberty Gets Chairs Liberty--Two hundred new chairs have been purchased for the ty hall and will be delivered in time for use at the Christmas program. NeW STATE EM OR DE A NEW HIGH LOT AL I c*nt HAVE -th ALICE FAYE RITZ BROS DON AMECHE (SO GYPSY ROSE LEE Chas. WINNINGER RUBINOFF EDGAR BERGEN and CHARLIE CARTHY Added Mickey Mouse Wait! Big Hits Play the State! Personalities in Paragraph Intimate Items About Valley Residents and Their Friends Related with Brevity Gervais Mrs. A.

A. Mickel has undergone a major operation at St. Vincent's hospital recently, but is improving at her home in Portland. Mr. Mickel was a former S.

P. agent here. Mrs. Georgia Keppinger has returned from a three weeks' visit with relatives, Mr. and Mrs.

Leo Herkenrath of Seattle. Willamina Frank Bailey of Portland spent the week with his aunt, Mrs. Austin Brazeau. W. E.

Smelser went fishing on the Nestucca river Friday while Mrs. Smelser called on her son, Frank. and his family. Harry Valliere is spending the Ankeny Grange Hears Program Sidney-Ankeny grange held its regular business meeting Saturday night in connection with the annual Christmas tree and program. Standing committees made the following reports: Mrs.

Earl Miller for H.E.C., the amount cleared from the bazaar turned over to the grange to make final the payment on piano; Mrs. C. F. Johnson reported on the district council recently held at Fairfield; J. O.

Farr, legislative matters. It was announced that the Marion county Pomona would meet with Surprise grange at Turner January 19. The new officers filled the chairs and the following standing committees were appointed: Legislative, J. O. Farr, Jake Gilmour, Eugene Finlay.

Finance, Mrs. J. O. Farr, C. F.

Johnston, Al Cole. Agriculture, Mrs. C. F. Johnston, Edwin Swartz and F.

B. Simpson. Membership, Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. Edna Swartz and Mrs.

F. B. Simpson. Insurance agent, William Wirderkehr. Mrs.

Earl Miller was installed as Pomona and Jake Gilmour as G.K. Three applications for membership were After grange closed, Lecturer Mrs. George Henderson gave 1 the following program: Song by all; Christmas in Foreign Countries, Mrs. J. O.

Farr; recitation, Wayne Johnston; song, Donna Wirdenkehr; Christmas story, Mrs. Al Cole; solo, Gaynel Cole, with Mrs. MaJory Cole at piano; reading Shirley Gilmour; guitar solo. Anita Gilmour; the Meaning of Christmas, Mrs. Earl Miller; solo, Rex Hartley; Christmas Broadcasting, Esther Hartley.

Mrs. Ben Claggett of Salem gave a talk upon Conservation of Game and Fish. Gifts and treats were distributed. Lunch was served at a late hour with the remainder of the evening spent with dancing. J.

O. Farr presented the crowd with a box of Newtown apples picked from his orchard that day and in splendid condition. Joint Christmas Celebration Held Sidney--A joint meeting and Christmas program was held at the Ankeny schoolhouse by the comclub and school. Mrs. Frank Keiper, who is employed as teacher in this district and also chairman of the club, conducted a short bustness meeting, which was followed by a program in charge of Mrs.

Mildred Myres. Clyde Madsen of Salem led the group singing of Christmas carols; reading, Lovena Harsely; quartet by Rex Hartley and Madsen brothers; whistling solo, Mrs. Smith, accompanied by Florence Garner on the harmonica; reading. Billy Hampton; duet, Mr. and Mrs.

Williams and Miss Plenger; solo, Rex Hartley; play, "Poor Papa's Christmas." by scholars; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Ohse; trumpet solo, Mr. Ohse; poems, Duane Chastian, Bernice Self, Robert Self, Glen Kelley, Thelma Majors, Anita Shelley and Harvey Kuendell. At the close of the program treats were given to all.

The community club will hold its next meeting the third Friday in January. Burglar at Quinaby Quinaby-A burglar broke into the G. L. Lovel cottage in the park. He gained entrance by breaking out A pane of glass of a window and reaching in to unfasten the window lock.

When he left he left the window open, also the back door. Lovel has not been here since the entry. ELSINORE Starts Wednesday 2 Features They BIG The Pieturel Year's Won't morget and Hit No. Stuart Erwin in "Small Town Boy" LAST TIMES TODAY "Merry- Go- "Danger Patrol" Round with Sally Eilers 10 Stars John Beal East Albany Home Burned; Delay Caused Albany- The home of Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Williamson, located in East Albany, was completed demolished by fire Sunday afternoon, the cause of which was undetermined today. Two events featured the fire, however, each of which has had no equal for quite some time here. First of these strange happenings was the double-alarm sent in when the fire was discovered by persons living in different fire districts. Each sent in the alarm simultaneously, resulting in an entirely different registration in the fire hall. This resulted in considerable delay of the fire equipment reaching the scene of the fire.

However, the damage was done before the blaze was discovered. The second feature was the rescue performed by M. J. Draegert, a neighbor, who saved of the Williamson's three months' old daughter, who was lying in a carriage on the front porch of the house. The child was unscathed by the flames, which had reached the coverlet placed over her.

Theatre Party Planned Albany--Plans for the annual Christmas theatre party sponsored by Elks of Albany for the benefit of the children, 12 and under, of this vicinity, are now completed, it was revealed yesterday. The Venetian and Rialto theatres give performances at 10:30 Christmas morning, after which the children are to go to the Elks party at the local temple, where presents are to be awarded to each child. Prisoners Plead Guilty Albany -When Judge L. H. McMahan convened department No.

1 of circuit court here today, four prisoners pleaded guilty, one not guilty and two who were arraigned entered no pleas at all. Sentence was passed on only one of those pleading guilty, while action on the other five cases was deferred until December 28. The defendant in the seventh case was put on six months' probation by Judge McMahan. Stiff Leases Store Albany--Expansion of the H. L.

Stiff Furniture company here today resulted in the selling out of the Hooker Electric store, which is 10- cated in the Stiff building on West Second street. John Hooker, owner of the electrical shop, announced that his goods had been purchased by Roy Eastburn, local auctionhouse operator, who will take over the store immediately, and carry on the close-out sale begun yesterday morning by Hooker. Stiff has leased the bullding from F. H. Pfieffer and W.

L. Jackson, and will occupy the entire estabiishment when the sale is completed. Hooker announced today that he will devote his attention to a growing trade in electrical contracting, wiring, etc. Woodburn Is Host For School Alumni Woodburn -Invitations have been sent to all graduates of Woodburn high school for the annual homecoming, which will be held Thursday evening at the high school. Registration will begin at 7:30 o'clock and it is hoped that all will arrive early in order that a short time may be given to class reunions before the program begins.

After the program refreshments will be served to the old grads and later in the evening there will be a basket ball game between the alumni stars and the W.H.S. team. The committee in charge includes Gilbert Ramage, Gordon Seely, Edward Koch, Robert Garnero, Cleo Carothers, and Jeanne Lee with Mrs. Helen Guiss and Mis Helen Lotz as faculty advisors. Falls City Church Observes Christmas Falls City -The Christmas program WAS held at the Christian church Sunday evening.

At the close gifts were placed at the foot of the cross. Out-of-town visitors at the church were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brockway and family of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Goode of Astoria. Jean Russell of Valsetz and Jean Bandy of Salem. Plant Taking Rest Willamina The Willamina Clay Products company has closed down for the annual repair work and also for lack of fuel. They expect to be closed for several weeks. OWNED HOLLY NOW PLAYING 2 FEATURES Last Times Tonight Ramon Gene Autry Novarro "Public "The Sheik Cowboy Steps Out" No.

1" COMING WEDNESDA. FAMILY NIGHT. TWO 40c GUILTY OF MURDER Yet the executioner dodged Te MOAN WHO LEWIS STONE CRIED BARBARA READ TOM BROWN NEW UNIVERSAL PICTURE AND 2ND JOHN THENT ANN 'SHES NO LADY. Macleay Community Will Attend Program Macleay--The Macleay school and community club will present the annual Christmas program at the schoolhouse Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. The committee in charge of the is composed of Mrs.

Arthur program Spelbrink, Mrs. Ed Tooker and Mrs. Oscar Baker. Mrs. Wilbur Miller is in charge of the tree and decorations and Mrs.

V. L. Master is arranging the treats for the evening. Perry Chosen At Grange Vote Silverton Hills--The local grange voted a majority for Ralph L. Perry of The Dalles for state master, at the meeting Friday evening.

G. W. Thiesen received the majority overseer; Mrs. G. W.

Thiesen for lecturer; Anna Hadley for secretary: and as members of the executive committee, Peter Zimmerman, J. O. Farr and Fred Goff. The juvenile officers were installed with Mrs. L.

O. Hadley ing. Installed were Mrs. Eldon Mulkey, matron; E. E.

Beugli AS assistant patron; Harold Loren, master: Richard Hartley, overseer; Lucille Mulkey, lecturer; Lyle Murray, chaplain; Kenneth Foote, secretary-treasurer; Tommy Maurice Mulkey, assistant steward; Patricia Maulding, lady assistant steward; Roger Loe, gatekeeper; Gene Murray, Ceres. Mrs. Alvin Hartley was appointed as county juvenile matron. A resolution was passed asking for noxious weed control either for the county or district. This was submitted to the court.

Stayton Grange Seats Officers Stayton-New officers of the Stayton grange were installed at the regular meeting Saturday, while members wrestled with the weed control and flood control problems affecting the district. The local grange is cooperating in both projects, with Master A. A. McKenzie attending the Willamette valley project meeting in Salem Monday. Officers installed during the ceremonies here include: Master, A.

A. McKenzie; overseer, Gilbert Finley; lecturer, Emma Richard; steward, Roy Rew; assistant steward. Galloway; chaplain, Ida Nipple: treasurer, J. F. Richard; secretary, Nellie Sandner; gatekeeper, Gus Kirsch; Ceres, Lura Finley; Pomona, Francis Rew; Flora, Caroline Fery: and L.

S. Clara Steward. The executive committee includes G. A. Sandner, T.

H. Thomas and Andrew Fery. The officers were installed by Miss Ella Williams and a corps of assistants. The grange members presented Miss Williams with a boquet in appreciation of her work and In turn presented each of the assistIng installation staff with gifts. Leave for Holidays Mill City- Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Schroeder and daughter, Marjory, have gone to California spend the holidays. They were accompanied by Mrs. Schroeder's parents of Lebanon. They plan to be away about two weeks and will spend some time with Mrs.

Schroeder's sister in Fresno. Brooks Pupils Offer Program Thursday Night week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E.

Valliere, in Salem. Ralph Ellingsworth and family drove to Nehalem Sunday where they spent the day and remained overnight with his brother, J. B. Ellingsworth. Miss Mary Ellingsworth of Nehalem spent Friday night at the home of her uncle, R.

E. Ellingsworth. She left to spend Christmas with friends and relatives in Los Angeles. Harry Shipley accompanied Gus Nordstrom to liwaco, over the week-end. Rev.

Weaver accompanied Rev. Burgoyne of Sheridan to the hill county Ministerial association meeting in Carlton last week. Haidan Duff was guest of Rev. Weaver and wife over night Sunday after he lectured in the M. church in Sheridan.

He also lectured at the Willamina high school and at the Butler M. E. church. Dr. Louis Magin of Salem called at the and with Rev.

and on return parsonage, visited. from a service at Tillamook. Waconda Paul Townsend and F. Muller have returned from a trip 1 to Chicago where they visited the international stock show, Townsend purchased a new Buick car while in the east and drove home. They report all roads in good condition.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Nusom and Mr. and Mrs. Walter and daughter, Sheverly Jean, who have been visiting at their old home in Michigan, are on their way and will spend Christmas in California at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Brooke. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Girod and daughters, Shirley Ann and Linda Lee, have moved to their farm at Waconda Corners.

Girod has been foreman at the Springer ranch for the past three years. Legion Votes Crawfish Feed Silverton-At the Monday evening meeting of the American Legion post, the members decided to stage their annual crawfish feed later in the spring with Harry Wilson, post commander, named as general chairman of plans by Lewis Hall, commander. Department awards for meritorious service were presented by A. J. Titus to Frank Wray, adjutant; Harry Wilson, past commander, and Roy Davenport, whose district surpassed the average of the last four years in membership during his term as commander District No.

2. Gold stars were awarded George Manolis and Jim Scarth for their membership activities of last year, with Harry Wilson making the presentation. A. R. Wickert was reported improving satisfactorily at the local hospital following a major operation.

George Towe told of the district conference at McMinnville. George Manolls and Frank Powell reported the Sons of Legion band numbering 52 and making splendid progress, and the local squadron to be hosts to the Woodburn and Salem groups at the joint installation of their officers. A joint social hour with the auxiliary foilowed the separate meetings, when the units decorated the Christmas tree for the kiddies' party tonight. The members plan for 150 young guests for an informal program and treats. Contributions Asked For Christmas Boxes Woodburn Every one who is willing to contribute food for the Christmas boxes to be distributed by the Woman's club is requested to bring their contribution to the club rooms of the public library later than Wednesday afternoon not Canned goods, fresh vegetables.

jelly, cookies, cakes or meats, 01 any kind of food to help furnish a Christmas dinner for a poor family is requested. Donations of money will also be acceptable. Bethel Community Plans Yuletide Party Bethel--The meeting of the community club will be held in connection with the school Christmas entertainment Thursday night at 8 o'clock. A fine program will be presented by the school under the direction of Mrs. Carmelite Weddle.

The public is invited. The community club is sponsoring the giving of provisions for the needy. Everyone is invited to contribute food. and to bring the parcels to the school where they will be received by the committee 1 in charge. CAPITOL Starts Wednesday 2 Features WHEELER: -and- Buck High Jones In Bill "Sudden LORD MARJORIE Flyers LAST TIMES TODAY Zane Grey's Irene Dunne "BORN TO "THEODORA THE WEST" GOES WILD" Brooks The students of the Brooks public school will sponsor the annual Christmas program Thursday night at 8 o'clock under the supervision of the teachers, Principal F.

E. Hammel, Miss Rose Marie Kronberg. intermediate teacher, and Mrs. F. E.

Hammel, primary teacher. The program will include Bethle. hem Scene." and the characters are Alice Joan Pitta, Mary, the mother of Jesus: Leroy Looms, Joseph: Rovens Stamper, angel: shepherds. Wayne McKnight, bert Williams, James Jea, Daryl Jones. Tommy Holmes: wise men Are Ernest Wood.

William Harris, Ray Kyono; ers. Deloris Gaub, Esther Ogura. Lona McCoy. Cherie Charneski, Susie 84, Virainia Seeger. "Sallie Gray's Christmas." by Ray Ky.

ono. Santa Claus: Esther Ogura. Mrs. Santa: Suste Yamiyasu As poor little girl. Song by the first and second grades, The intermediate room will present "Santa and by the following acters: Santa.

Charles Wanless: Mrs. Santa. Muriel Pitts: Mickey Tamiyasu: Line, Forrest McCoy: Junior, Billie Lusthoff: Modern Santa. Fred Lea: toys. Teddy White: tumblers.

Henry Ozura: teddy bear. Gero Umemoto: Indian. George Morioka: jack-in-the-box, Ernest Gaub: Japanese dolls, Mickey Umemoto. Nobuko Kawata, Yoshie Kawata and lie Kaneko: rag dolls, Ramona McKnight, Phyllis Lusthoff: children. Frances Hams, Stanley Jones and Susumi Kyono: fairies, Beverley McCoy, Toshie Tomiyasu, Hisako Kawata, Anne Russell, Lois Very, Lilly Kaneko and Delores Miller: elves, Kenneth Reed.

Virgil Burnett. vey Lea. Number by the rhythm band. grades will present the play "Grandma's Christmas Guest." with the following characters: William Dyson, ter of fact business man. Chester son: Mrs.

Dyson, A busy club woman. Roseann Henny; Grandma Dyson. an old fashioned lady, Martha Hutto: Vera Dyson, skeptical, materialistic revolutionary daughter, Tomoko girl. Ninomiya: Maxine Harriet. McKnight: thrill hunting Alger Monfort, friend of the Dysons.

Jack Bosch; Gladiola, colored maid of all work. Cleo Ramp: Haratio, colored house man, Oral Lee Fitts; the Black Phantom. Clarence Gaub. Play, "A Safety First Christmas." characters are Dread Carelessness, large pupil, carelessly dressed, Ronald Jones, Auto Chaser, boy whose head is wrapped in bandages. Tom Imagawa.

Street Skater, boy who limps badly. Richard Ogura: Building Climber, boy with his arm in a sling. Yataka Kyono: Fruit Thrower, a boy who walks with crutch. Harry Kaneko: Poor Swimmer, very pale looking girl. Ruth Sidebottom; Gasoline Cleaner, a girl who face is badly scarred.

Elvira Satter: Matheh Player, a girl whose stockings and dress are full of burned holes, Alice Holmes; Candle User, girl who wears tight fitting cap and carries an unlighted candle, Emie Morioka: Floor Scatterer, girl who walks with cane, Hariyu Tamiyasu: Fire Poker, a girl whose arms are bandaged. Toyoko Kawata: children, Martha Imarawa, Masa Kyono. Lily Potts Wil- and Bertha Loomis: pleading by Alice liams. Japanese girls' dance: SOng by eight girls; reading by Alice Williams. Pupils At Aurora Will Present Play Aurora -Regular 4-H club meetings are held each week with all club work progressing nicely.

Miss Bird, county health nurse, visited the school during the past week, and announced the date of the annual clinic. Three members of Canby high school presented several acts at the Aurora school of the play they will give at Canby during Christmas week. The pupils are presenting a play Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Gifts will be exchanged among the school children. Mrs.

P. J. Hunt visited the school recently. Robert, Helen and La Vaughn Kincaid have moved to Butteville where they will enter school. Donald Cruikshank of Wisconsin, recently enrolled in school.

He is an eighth grader. Its a Gift to Give Thriftily! And You Can Do It By Shopping CHRISTMAS Leather Goods CARDS Billfolds Purses Box Assortments Keytainers Brief Cases 25c 50c $1.00 Traveling Cases Pen and Pencil Sets Names Stamped on All Sets Free! Christmas Wrappings Seals Cards Tags Ribbon Boxes Cellophane BOOKS GLOBES BOOK ENDS ATLASES MOTTOES NOVELTIES GAMES CARDS DESK SETS TABLE LAMPS and Countless STATIONERY Others OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. Commercial Book Store A. A. GUEFFROY 163 N.

Commercial Phone 4534.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.